Our Building Consent Services are delivered an experienced draughting Team. They are experts in preparing consents and have extensive experience in all councils on the Upper North Island.
Why do I require a consent form?
All local councils use Land & Building Consents to monitor and approve all works that are covered by the Resource Management Act or the Building Code. Each council has a different way of managing consents. This can be a very confusing process.
Consents can be divided into two main types:
Building Consents – The approval needed for restricted construction work as per the
Building Code, and residential work that requires sign-off by a LBP (Licensed Building Professional).
Resource Consents – Governed by the Resource Management Act. This relates to any changes made in the land use as dictated by local councils district plans. It is always a good idea to contact your local council and confirm the requirements of your project.
What can we do to help?
The list of documents required to submit a consent application is long. It includes detailed working drawings as well as foundation, structural engineering and stormwater & wastewater designs. Specifications, testing documents, etc. Check on our Link to learn more about consents.
We can help you to avoid expensive delays by ensuring that your consent submission ticks all the boxes
If you want, our Operations Team can assist with your project. They will prepare and collate all the necessary documents. We can also act as your “Agent” for consent submissions. Our team will be available to assist you if the council needs any clarification or additional information about your submission. This saves time and energy!