
  • The Success formula to relocating a house

    Haines House Haulage has not only built a business on providing and relocating second hand homes to New Zealander families, they have created an opportunity for small developer's and families to climb…

    Haines house Haulage Success
  • Tight site? Maybe you need a crane

    House movers use cranes more often than you may think. As part of helping our clients plan house relocations, it is not unusual to face the challenge of lifting a house over another house to access th…

    Haines House haulage crane services
  • The Haines way – Our Passion, Our pride

    Haines House Haulage. was founded in 1973 and has been buying, selling and moving houses since then. We also offer the support and guidance needed to help bring clients' ideas to life.…

    The Haines way – Our Passion, Our pride - Teaser Image
  • What is a Minor Dwelling?

    New Zealanders are increasingly interested in small dwellings, which appeal to them for their compact design as well as earning potential. These small homes, which range from 30 to 90% sqm in size, ca…

    What is a Minor Dwelling? - Teaser Image
  • Can you have 3 houses on your site? Check here.

    From September 2022, New Zealand residents can officially build up to three dwellings on a single section, of up to three storeys high - without the requirements of resource consent. District plans ha…

    Can you have 3 houses on your site? Check here. - Teaser Image
  • 60’s Bungalow relocation from Greenlane to Riverhead

    Five years ago Rebecca and Michael came back from living in Melbourne and looked at the possibility of buying a house in Auckland. Prices were so high, they decided the only way to get into the mar…

    60’s Bungalow relocation from Greenlane to Riverhead - Teaser Image
  • Houses on the move

    Buying a property and moving a house on to it has become not only a business for many, it’s a part of the New Zealand’s property ladder.…

    Houses on the move - Teaser Image

The Haines
Complete Guide to Relocating a Home

Are you considering a house relocation?

Buying a relocatable house is a significant investment and starting your relocation journey can be overwhelming. That's why we've developed a comprehensive guide packed with valuable insights and expert advice - this guide covers everything you need to know to make your relocation a success.

Ready to take the first step towards a stress-free house relocation?

Download our guide